Little Big Town’s Kimberly Schlapman Calls ‘A Dolly for Christmas’ a ‘Message of Hope’

Little Big Town‘s Kimberly Schlapman just released a children’s book, A Dolly for Christmas: The True Story of a Family’s Christmas MiracleThe book is about her family, and their decision to adopt their daughter, Dolly, thanks to the persistent prayers of their oldest daughter, Daisy. Kimberly opened up about their family’s story in a recent interview on the Today Show.

“Nothing is impossible. Nothing is impossible,” Kimberly said. “Daisy had prayed for a baby. Literally every night, for five years, that little girl prayed and prayed. And then, one year, she told my husband and I, ‘I’m gonna ask Santa for a baby.’ And we were like, ‘Okay … well, okay.’ So she sat in Santa’s lap, and she asked Santa for a baby. That happened, actually, at the adoption agency. They had a Christmas party. She asked Santa for a baby, and everyone in the room said, ‘Oh that poor, precious child.’

“And then, not too long later, we got a call that a baby girl needed a family, and that was our Dolly,” she continued. “And oh my goodness, when we told Daisy about it, she jumped up. She was just jumping up and down crying, saying, ‘This is our baby! This is our baby! I believe!”

After experiencing the pain of both infertility and waiting to be chosen as birth parents, Kimberly has wise words for others who are also waiting for something as well.

“Never, ever, ever, ever give up, because you never know what’s just around the corner,” Kimberly urged. “We were so surprised by our call about little Dolly. We had no idea it was coming. You just never know. And, I would say, if you’re waiting a long, long time, and if you’re going through a lot of struggles while you wait, don’t give up, because there’s a baby coming. There’s a child coming. And then you’re going to know, ‘Oh, that’s what we had to wait for.’ Now we know why we went through everything we did, because we were waiting on Dolly.”

A Dolly for Christmas might be a children’s book, but she insists it is applicable for both children and adults.

“The book is just a message of hope,” the singer shared. “Whether you’re going through infertility, whether you’re in the middle of adoption. No matter what your story is, if you’re just a family going through a struggle right now, there is hope. Keep going, keep trudging through the troubles right now.  Especially in this year. Who would have thought we’d be faced with the challenges we’ve had this year? It’s just a message of hope, and to not ever give up, because a new day is coming.”

As for Daisy and Dolly, they are still as smitten with each other as the day they met.

“They are truly in love with each other,” Kimberly said. “They adore each other. I’m so grateful.”

A Dolly for Christmas: The True Story of a Family’s Christmas Miracle is available for purchase at Amazon.