Carrie Underwood Calls Recording ‘My Savior’ a ‘Source of Joy’ Amid Pandemic

Carrie Underwood’s My Savior album is out! The 13-track record was a lifelong dream for Underwood, who made the inspirational record as much for herself as for her fans, using the songs as a source of encouragement amid the struggles of last year, due to the pandemic.

“Everybody’s lives were changed and affected in some ways over the past year,” Underwood shared on the Today Show. “Normally, we’re just go, go, go, so busy doing shows and tours and just stuff everywhere, and traveling. We were at home, and I just felt so fortunate throughout that entire time that I got to go into the studio and sing these songs that are so hopeful and so peaceful, and just have that for myself. I definitely hope when people listen to these now, that they feel that same sense that I got to feel. I’m so blessed and so thankful that I had this to go do and to go work on, because like I said, it was a source of joy for me, in such a downer and terrible year.”

Underwood chose songs that she loved when she was growing up, singing in her local church in Muskogee, Oklahoma.

“It is something that I’ve always wanted to do,” the 38-year-old acknowledged. “I grew up on this music. It’s such a pillar of who I am as a person, but also as an artist, because this was the first time that I got to sing on stage. So many artists do get their start singing at church, because it is such a warm, loving environment, and that’s your community, and their so supportive. That’s the same with me.

“I sang these songs when I was little,” she continued. “Now, as an adult, they hold such a higher purpose and deeper meaning for me singing these lyrics. You never know who is going to need whatever song it is your putting out, whether it’s something sassy or whether it’s something really deep and meaningful. I hope people find some peace and some comfort in these songs.”

Underwood has never been shy about her faith, both in her conversations and the songs she sings, like “Jesus, Take the Wheel,” “Something in the Water” and more.

“It is definitely such a huge part of who I am,” Underwood said of her spiritual beliefs. “I feel like when you do have something higher to look to, you have hope. So even in the worst of times, you have something that you can cling onto, and I am so thankful that my family, we did grow up in church, and now I’m just surrounded by people who have faith. I do sing in country music, and we get to sing about our faith. It is welcomed. So I’m so lucky and blessed that I do have something to cling onto.”

Underwood loves to perform, especially when she feels a connection to her audience, which happens often when she sings songs like “How Great Thou Art” and other faith-based tunes.

“Throughout my career, I’ve had so many, not epiphanies, but just deep moments when I’ve been able to be on stage, and there will be some lyric or something that just hits me, or I’ll see somebody in the audience that is so into what we’re doing, and we’re having a moment of connection,” Underwood noted. “I feel lucky to have those moments so often when I’m on stage. It’s not hard to have those moments when you’re singing songs like this, so it’s special anytime I get on stage. I always feel like i have something that happens.”

My Savior is available for purchase here.*

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