Tyler Hubbard on Life With Three Kids: ‘It’s All Hands on Deck’

Tyler Hubbard never imagined he would have so much time at home with his children. The Florida Georgia Line singer has spent almost a year with his three-year-old daughter Olivia, one-year-old son, Luca, and son Atlas, who arrived in September. It’s been a year of chaos for Hubbard, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“It’s been a difference, but not drastic,” Hubbard told BMLG. “Not like super crazy because at this point, Atlas is still kind of just sleeping and pooping and eating, and he can’t move around. Luca is literally a full-time job for one person. If you take your eyes off him for 30 seconds, he’s about to roll down the stairs or get into the oven or do something. So, it really is a two-person job minimum, and if I could have it my way it would be a three-person job all the time.”

Hubbard shares parenting duties with his wife, Hayley, along with a nanny who helps them out as well.

“We’re really fortunate,” Hubbard acknowledges. “We do have a great nanny that helps us out quite a bit, but even with extra hands, a lot of time it’s all hands on deck with three kids. Somebody’s feeding Atlas, somebody’s chasing Luca and somebody’s entertaining Liv at all times. Or, there’s only two and somebody’s having to double fist, if you will. But it’s fun and it’s a challenge that we really, really enjoy. And these are some tough years, but having them close together is gonna be a lot of fun. It already is.”

Hubbard might enjoy having his three young children around, but he insists there will not be a fourth one — ever.

“The whole experience of having a child is like none other. It’s a rush of emotion and love that can hardly be explained,” Hubbard told People prior to Atlas’ arrival. “We’re looking forward to experiencing that again and then just knowing we’re going to be finished. This is our family, and let’s grow together.”

Hubbard had to be separated from his children last year, after he tested positive for COVID-19. The 33-year-old used time away to write new music, including his “Undivided” collaboration with Tim McGraw.

“I was on the bus for 12 days uninterrupted with my thoughts, my emotions, my feelings, my guitar, and so I wrote a whole bunch of songs and it was a blast doing it, it made the time go by really quickly,” Hubbard told Entertainment Tonight. “I just got to do what I love and in the meantime, really kind of channeled where I was at emotionally and as a country and all the things. This song kind of fell out of the sky as I like to say, felt like it was a gift from God.”